Kamatchi Chit Fund
  • Call Us: 7339687606 / 9894345743
  • 1,Sourashra Elementary School Lane, East Veli Street,Madurai-625001.
  • Register No: 18-41080//98

  • I.Details

    II. Company Details

    III. Nominee's

    I do solemnly affirm and state that the particulars furnished above, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I shall abide by the company's right to reject my application before the first Auction or at any time thereafter.If the particular information furnished by me as above are found to be false or incorrect or for suppression of any material information,In such an event.the Company shall have the right to remove my name from the concerned Chit Group and refund the amound paid by me as per chit agreement.

    I have fully read or caused to be read,translated and thoroughly understood the chit agreement and if I am allotted a Ticket in the series.requested for,I do hereby agree to be bound and abide by all the terms and conditions of KAMATCHI CHITS MADURAI PRIVATE LIMITED.I am also in recipt of a copy of the chit agreement of this Chit.

    For Company Use

    I am remitting ₹ _________________ (Rupees ________________ only) by cash/DD/Cheque being the first instalment towards the above chit group.